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Our shops:
where you can also buy products that are not made in our Ardentia workshop:

Ardentia Compostela from March 2023
Rúa Nova, 3 - 15705 Santiago de Compostela
WhatsApp: + 34 981 788 502
🕥 from Monday to Sunday: 10h30-14h30 h. and 16h30-20h30

Ardentia Coruña from February 2019
calle Real, 6 - 15003 A Coruña
WhatsApp: + 34 881 969 347
🕥 from Monday to Saturday: 10h30-14h30 h. and 16h30-20h30

Ardentia Vigo from May 2019
Policarpo Sanz, 22 - 36202 Vigo (Pontevedra)
WhatsApp: + 34 886 125 262
🕥 from Monday to Saturday: 10h30-14h30 h. and 16h30-20h30