The journey of an Ardentia card
The photo at the top of this text shows the condition of an Ardentia visiting card after traveling across Spain, from Seville to Santiago de Compostela in 7 months... until reaching ArdentiaCompostela...
This isn't a travel diary, but rather another delightful anecdote with our wonderful customers who go to great lengths just to get their hands on a new Ardentia piece.
This photo comes to us from ArdentiaCompostela, and it was our colleague Paulina who told us that a customer walked into our store at rúa Nova, 3, showing her this card.
This customer first met us at the Creative Craft Fair in Seville during the last Christmas season of 2023, when she bought Libélula earrings. She kept our card well-guarded, ready for her visit with friends to our store while on Holidays in Santiago de Compostela.
Welcome and thank you!
Naturally, Paulina immediately provided her with a new brochure containing all the information about our workshop and our jewelry.
Thank you to this customer, and for her friends who also bought Ardentia jewels, and to everyone who, in one way or another, surprise us with your loyalty that knows no bounds. We proudly celebrate our customers and do so with genuine gratitude.