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Tax Free available in our own shops

Tax Free available in our own shops

At Ardentia, we always seek for the best solution for our international customers in our own stores. So, that is why we use Woonivers for Tax Free refund.

Woonivers is available in our three stores (Ardentia Compostela, Ardentia Coruña, and Ardentia Vigo), with everything required for the DIVA machines at your disposal at airports.

Please remember that this service is for buyers from outside the EU.
If so, the only thing our customers need to worry about is not losing the purchase receipt (the simplified invoice) that we provide with each purchase and connecting to a Wi-Fi network (which you can also do in Ardentia stores) to download the Woonivers app.

After downloading the Woonivers app, available here, the entire process is carried out directly by each customer.

Woonivers takes care of everything with complete reliability.

If you have any problem with a purchase made in one of our stores for your tax refund, we are at your disposal on WhatsApp: +34 881 980 219.